total masks sewn:
People ask us why we were called to create this site. And we ourselves have marveled at the tens of thousands of makers returning to their sewing machines, day after day, to make masks for people they've never even met. And we all do it because of stories like these.

We asked mask recipients:   "Why do you need masks?"    This is what they've shared.
"We have many employees working at shelters on the front line, and many clients that we serve that could benefit from these masks. We appreciate all you are doing to help us!"
"I'm 67 years old and I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I would love to stay indoors, safely away from anyone with the virus, but I can't. I have to go to the hospital for chemotherapy and am preparing for a mastectomy soon. I am already in the high-risk age group, but chemotherapy has weakened my immune system and my doctors have told me this puts me at great risk of any contagious illnesses, so I was already supposed to wear masks before. Now the hospital is out of them!"
"We're already struggling to make ends meet, and we just found out my 11 year old son has a rare kind of cancer. The hospital is far away and we have to go a lot. My husband was laid off due to coronavirus, so he's working part-time at the grocery store stocking shelves. Both of us, and our children, are interacting with people, at work and at the hospital, all the time. We're really scared of what will happen next. We don't need to catch this virus on top of it all."
"I work as an essential worker in a healthcare facility so I work with a lot of elderly patients and I take care of my grandmother on the weekends. I have 4 children, one of whom is immunocompromised that I come home to. All of whom I would like to keep safe and healthy."
"My 3-year old son is immunocompromised & so, we'd prefer not to take risks."
"My 4yo daughter is taking anti-rejection drugs after a difficult bone marrow transplant for leukemia, and we still have to go to doctor visits on a regular basis, so going to the hospital is scary, not knowing if they will have masks available when we arrive."
"Coronavirus came at the worst time. My son's autoimmune disease, which had been in remission, flared up. He's back on immune-suppressing drugs, so he's very vulnerable. My parents are in their 80s and live with us as well, and my dad has been experiencing some dementia lately. Right now is just very hard in our family. I'm so afraid of what will happen next. We definitely need masks."
"I'm a PT at a children's hospital and I work with a wide range of patients, but right now I happen to have THREE of them who are recovering from devastating car accidents, one of whom lost a parent in the crash. One just had back surgery. These children cannot handle another blow. I need to do my part to protect them and we're running out of masks fast."
"I have family members who work in the essential services industry and acquiring masks that fit properly has been difficult. "
"times just couldn't be harder for us right now. we're out of work, bills overdue, 3 kids, and can't interact with their grandparents who are too old and have to quarantine. we're both trying to find part-time jobs, and still have to buy groceries. we really need masks but cant afford to buy them."
"Our farm's workers are showing up every day to continue picking the fruit for people staying at home across America. They can't stay at home like so many other people. "
"First my husband got sick and they thought it was the virus, but after they realized it wasn't (after he was still not better 6 weeks later), they told us, hey, you know you're still vulnerable to catch this, and we'd thought we were in the clear but now we know we're not, and while they figure out what's wrong with my husband, we're really worried about exposure during all these doctor visits."
"I work for Instacart. I am in the grocery store all day, so I'm around people all day. I had a disposable surgical mask I was using but it is getting really worn out, and the little fibers are fraying and making my nose really itchy, which makes me want to scratch my face (which I'm not supposed to do)."
"I work at Starbucks. I'm surprised how many people are still coming to buy coffee! At first they said we didn't need masks, but then two of my coworkers got sick, so now we're all scrambling to get masks before it gets more of us. We're all working part time hours now so funds are low."
"My husband works full time as a delivery driver. With the restricted hours at the grocery store, I can only go to the store when he's at work, which means I have to bring my 6 yr old daughter. I want masks for all three of us."
"I'll be honest: I was not into the mask thing, AT ALL. But my son and his family, my grandkids, all got the virus, and I have never seen anyone so sick. It shocked me. I think I will start wearing a mask now, because if it was that hard for them, yikes, I don't want to catch this."
"At my hospital, they are not prioritizing our department (orthopedics) because we're not serving the covid-19 patients. But people are still finding plenty of ways to badly break bones, and I still have to treat them. The hospital told us to source our own masks."
"I have COPD and chronic bronchitis because I was a smoker all my life. When I lost my husband (also a smoker) to cancer when we were both in our mid-50s, I finally quit smoking, but I get pneumonia often and recovery is always slow. I have 3 daughters and 5 beautiful grandchildren, and I want to continue to enjoy them for many years to come. And we're on a very limited, fixed income."
"I work at a non-profit helping people with homelessness get services that keep them safe, sober, fed, and showered. Although we have seen a worrying decline in people showing up, we still service a high-risk population that we want to protect, not endanger! And this puts us at greater risk as well."
"I am an old man with sleep apnea and respiratory issues. I so appreciate the hard work of not only the mask makers, but the people who created this website and have our health concerns in mind."
"I work as a home health aid to high-functioning adults with autism and developmental disabilities. I help them with many needs, including running errands. I have long-standing, close relationships with these people, they're like my family. I would feel horrible if I passed the virus to them!"
"When I got put on furlough recently, I had no choice but to find temporary work to pay the bills and feed my family. So I'm working 3 days a week delivering food for a local restaurant. I am not interacting with a lot of people, but I still want a mask. My mother lives with us and she's 88 years old."
"Honestly I'm not worried too much about getting the virus myself. I know that I'd survive. I'm young and healthy! But I work with children with cerebral palsy doing occupational therapy. These children and their families really don't need the added stress of the virus. I mostly just want masks for the OTs at our office to protect the families we serve."
"I need to help better protect those I love. I appreciate the kindness and support. Thank you kindly. "
"i work at the grocery store behind the deli counter. i am usually about 6 ft away from people but they are not always that considerate and it makes me worried. plus i'm here all day long. and some of my coworkers are not taking it seriously either."
"I work in the billing department at an OB/GYN office in Nashville. Even though we're doing tele-medicine visits for as much as possible, you'd be surprised how many things require in-person visits. Our staff has been reduced, and now I'm working reception, billing, and escorting patients into the rooms. I am suddenly working crazy hours and interacting with patients more than ever before. The hospital didn't prioritize masks for us, so we ran out long ago. Gloves, too."
"I work on a small farm. About half our produce used to go to grocery stores, and some to CSA customers. Now suddenly the CSA orders have exploded. We're working faster and harder and packing these boxes is more work than how we pack them to send to the stores."
"I work at the bank. Nothing glamorous, not doing that important front-line work that all the nurses and doctors are doing. But I still have to do my job, and I interact with a lot of people, many of whom are not wearing masks. I'm really scared of getting sick. I wish I was healthier, but I'm just not. I'm overweight and have asthma, so I'm scared."
"I live with roommates who are not being very careful. It makes me very worried. I wish I had better roommates, but it's not a good time for me to move, so I'm stuck. I don't have the cash for deposit at a new place. And since I work the register at a restaurant doing to-go orders, I'm possibly putting them at risk, not just myself. I just want to be a responsible citizen in these crazy times."
"We are supplying masks as a critical need on the hard hit Covid areas on the Native reservations."
"i drive a delivery van for amazon logistics, and my work hasn't slowed down, it has picked up! i try to keep my distance from people during deliveries, but some people are outside on their porches or on sidewalks walking dogs, so i need a mask at all times just in case."